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What would you do when you met unreasonable customers?

July 1, 2021

A few years ago, we met an American customer who asked us to buy 1 kilogram of phenacetin. The total amount of the order was about $100. At that time, the customer ordered the goods in early February. After receiving the payment, we immediately arranged the delivery, and gave the customer the tracking no.at the first time. Later, when the package arrived in the United States, we also sent an email to remind the customer to pay attention to receive the package.

But in the whole communication process, there is a very strange thing, after we sent tracking no. to the customer, we didn’t receive any email reply from the customer. At that time, there was no other contact information for the customer. We thought the customer was busy with other things and had no time to reply us.

But incredible things happened. Eight months later, until October, we suddenly saw this customer on the Internet, slandering our company by publishing a bad comment on the Internet, saying that we didn’t deliver the goods after payment, saying that we were a fraud company.

This customer started to make such comments in April, but did not contact us to feed back his questions once. We are very strange and angry about his behavior. So we immediately contacted the customer by email to ask why they wanted to make malicious comments.
The customer replied to us quickly this time, and directly asked us to refund the money. Otherwise, he would continue to complain about us and continue to publish the opinion that we are liars.

If you meet such a customer, how do you deal with it?

Do not refund, let him continue to frame us, affect our company image, continue to do meaningless entanglement?

Refund, meet his request, let him stop this framing

Finally, we decided to refund the money Because people who do business in China think harmony makes money.
It is very angry to meet unreasonable customers, but our impression in the hearts of customers is more important. We don’t want customers to lose confidence in us just by relying on some one-sided comments on the Internet.

Of course, I’m very lucky that I’ve only met such a client in this industry in the past ten years, and I believe I won’t meet such a client in the future.

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    We are the forefront of Chinese for the phenacetin powder production,We have the best phenacetin powder for sales.
    Company purpose:Quality is the foundation of development,always maintain a competitive price.




    Buy phenacetin powder,contact us!

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