» Blog » european union warehouse » Replenishment list of European warehouse on October 21, 2021 (phenacetin, tetracaine, benzocaine, lidocaine)

Replenishment list of European warehouse on October 21, 2021 (phenacetin, tetracaine, benzocaine, lidocaine)

October 21, 2021

The replenishment list of European warehouse on October 21, 2021 is as follows:
Phenacetin:25 kg / pack, 6 packs, 150 kg in total
Tetracaine hydrochloride: 2kg / pack, 10 packs, total 20kg
Benzocaine:350g / pack, 20 packs, 7 kg in total
Benzocaine: 1kg / pack, 25 packs, 25 kg in total
Lidocaine:350g / bag, 20 bags, 7 kg in total
Lidocaine, 1kg / bag, 25 bags, 25 kg in total

his time, in addition to the regular large packaging of phenacetin powder in the European warehouse, the inventory of small packaging of tetracaine hydrochloride, benzocaine and lidocaine is also supplemented.
This is all the decisions made by European customers.
Recently, Spanish customers, French customers and Swedish customers have feedback to us that they
hope we could supply more packaging specifications to choose from.

We are also honored to provide customers with better service, but customers in Europe need to pay attention that the packaging specifications are fixed.
If you want to buy,ee can only supply according to the following specifications
Specifications to choose from:

Phenacetin 350g phenacetin 1kg phenacetin 5kg phenacetin 25kg
Benzocaine 350g benzocaine 1kg benzocaine 5kg benzocaine 25kg
Lidocaine 350g lidocaine 1kg lidocaine 5kg lidocaine 25kg
Lidocaine hcl 350g Lidocaine hcl 1kg Lidocaine hcl 5kg Lidocaine hcl 25kg
Tetracaine 50g Tetracaine 100g  Tetracaine 500g Tetracaine 1kg
Procaine hcl 350g Procaine hcl 1kg Procaine hcl 5kg Procaine hcl 25kg


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    Buy phenacetin powder,contact us!

    Tel:+852 55133352

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