» Blog » The 100th Anniversary of the Founding of The Communist Party of China

The 100th Anniversary of the Founding of The Communist Party of China

June 30, 2021


The Communist Party of China was founded in July 1921. At that time, China was in the process of invasion by Western and Japanese countries. Nearly 100 million Chinese people died in wars or civil wars caused by foreign direct intervention, famine, and other disasters related to it. After nearly a century of unremitting efforts, China has become a big country that no country dares to invade.

After 1949, it was the Chinese people, not anyone else, who decided the fate of China. This is the first time for many generations that China has achieved national independence. Leading China to national rejuvenation, the Communist Party of China plays an important role not only in the development of the country, but also in the development of all mankind. China’s development achievements and China’s rejuvenation contribute to shaping the global situation. Therefore, this not only establishes the importance of the Communist Party of China in our country, but also in the world.

China’s president Xi Jinping’s statement that China is experiencing a great change in the past century is 1 accurate and no exaggeration. A century ago, the world was faced with a change that fundamentally reshaped the world structure: the United States replaced Britain as the financial and economic hegemony; After the victory of the October Revolution, Russia established a Soviet regime; After the founding of the Communist Party of China, a new situation appeared in the Chinese revolution; Then there was a huge economic crisis, followed by the rise of militarism and fascism, which eventually led to the largest world war in human history, which also led to the collapse of militarism and fascism. Although the main problems we are facing are different, they also have a huge impact on mankind – especially the impact of nuclear war and uncontrolled climate change for a long time. It can make parts of the earth uninhabitable, and will make all forms of human civilization face a universal crisis, which is comparable to the historical threat of fascism to mankind.

Given this situation, Xi Jinping has repeatedly stressed the inevitable correlation between China’s domestic situation and this international background, in addition to other threats and possibilities that can be mentioned: “the world of the global village determines the interests and interests of all countries, and the common destiny. 2. Therefore, from a positive perspective, “the Chinese people know that China’s development benefits from the international community. 3 “this in turn indicates that China cannot be alone when the international situation is in a negative situation. Therefore, China’s exchanges with other countries are crucial to China’s own and world development.

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