» Blog » Why was phenacetin removed from the market?

Why was phenacetin removed from the market?

July 1, 2021

Phenacetin,the first synthetic antipyretic analgesic on the market, was launched in the United States in 1887. It is commonly used in the treatment of headache, fever and neuralgia. The effect is very good, so it is welcomed by the public, but since 1953, phenacetin caused serious kidney damage incident, people began to rethink the safety of this drug. Until 1970, there was a case of urethral cancer caused by phenacetin, which further questioned its safety.
In the end, the FDA of the United States decided to ban this drug. After that, many countries began to ban the use of this drug.So now most countries have banned the use of phenacetin alone as an antipyretic and analgesic drug. Usually, the countries that allow the use of phenacetin are the combination of phenacetin, aspirin and caffeine to make compound preparation APC for antipyretic and analgesic. Phenacetin is also an important raw material and drug intermediate for organic synthesis, drug production and new drug development.

So what should we pay attention to when we use phenacetin?

1. It can’t be used in large quantities for a long time, because bex powder, which was very popular in the United States, reached its climax from 1950 to 1960, and was very popular among people. In Australia and Europe, it was used as a daily health drink to refresh and relieve pain. But it was banned in 1977.
2. It can’t be purchased as OTC. It is generally used under the guidance of doctors.

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